International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Are tissue adhesives better than sutures for closing traumatic lacerations? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Can inositol be used to treat depression? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Do psychological treatments delivered by paraprofessionals improve symptoms in people with anxiety or depressive disorders? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Does brief psychological debriefing help manage psychological distress after trauma and prevent post traumatic stress disorder? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Does folate treat depression? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Does watching patients take their TB drugs improve treatment cure and completion? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) How effective is tap water for wound cleansing? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Is it better to use oral or intravenous rehydration in children with dehydration due to gastroenteritis? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
International Public Health, LSTM (2006) Which drug should be used for treating mild to moderate chronic depression? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review. Liverpool, Effective Health Care Research Consortium, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.